Chippy TV Ep.1: Expand Your Construction Knowledge

Samuel Konicanin:
My name is Samuel Konicanin and I am working at Mount Alexander Road in Flemington as a construction foreman. That job entails me looking after all the staff on a day to day basis, ordering all materials, making sure the job is running to schedule.
How did you enter the construction industry?
I got into the industry working for a friend of mine’s brother. I was fresh out of year 12 and didn’t really have a career path and started working for him for a little bit of money and just fell in love with the construction industry, and building stuff, and doing stuff outdoors, I absolutely love the outdoors.
Why did you study the certificate?
My motivation to do the CPC40120 Certificate IV in Building and Construction (Building) was to basically just expand my construction knowledge. Just to understand exactly what the boss and the architects and everyone, even the client, they were talking about so I looked competent in my role and just wanted to be on the same level with them.
What do you learn while studying construction?
Ways that I look at the job now are different. Understanding them more from a legal point of view. Why I’d been doing the things that I had been taught so I now understand my own construction knowledge, and the building blocks of the processes and the policies of the company that I work for.
How much did the building and construction course cost?
So the course was fully subsidised by the government, which was fantastic because in all honesty if I, if the course had have cost money at that particular point in time I wouldn’t have been able to afford it so it was definitely something that struck me to strive to apply and then continue on and do the training.
What was the class like?
The guys were awesome teacher especially was fantastic, brought extra information every night. He was a builder himself and he just, he knew his stuff and it just made you want to listen and really made you learn from him, and almost strive to sorta be like him.
Any advice?
My only advice is just do it, go for it, they’ll help you out, they’ll push you, they’ll give you all the information that you need and I just think it’s coming down to, if you don’t do these types of services and certifications you’re just gonna get left behind.