How Foundation Models Can Advance AI in Healthcare


Choosing an AI Provider for Computer Vision & Custom Models Historically, the call centre sector has grappled with optimizing operations and delivering outstanding customer service. Conventional approaches to monitoring and enhancing call centre performance have been inadequate in resolving these concerns. Here’s a step-by-step process on how to train chatgpt on custom data and create

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How AI Is Changing Video Games by Ty


Artificial Intelligence in Gaming + 10 AI Games to Know Style transfer and artistic filters employ deep neural networks, particularly Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), to transform game visuals. Neural Style Transfer (NST) techniques, such as Fast Neural Style Transfer, use pre-trained CNN models to apply artistic styles to in-game assets. Generative models like the CycleGAN

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Step-By-Step Guide: How to Handle Customer Complaints


Customer complaints: Top 7 common complaints & how to resolve them Sometimes, if left alone, these complaints can snowball and turn into a much bigger issue, so it’s important to be proactive and address these as quickly as possible. You can handle this by replacing or refunding the dysfunctional product. Find out what the customer

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