Meet Lee: Building and Construction Trainer at Builders Academy

“I absolutely love what I do. I love the challenge.” We caught up with Lee Velden, one of our Builders Academy virtual classroom trainers. Click through for the whole interview, including Lee’s motivating tips for certificate IV and diploma students.
Name: Lee Velden
Age: 53
Job: Builders Academy trainer
“Way back when I was a young’un, girls couldn’t get into the building industry — that was just unheard of. I thought of being a carpenter but I was just laughed at: no, I couldn’t do that. I wanted to do architecture but my parents wouldn’t allow me to do that. So I went off and renovated my own places for years.
“When I was a little girl I was the one who held the hammer in the family.”
“I’m actually a business woman as opposed to a tradesperson. That’s my skillset. I have had about five years on site where I have managed things, but my background is in business.
“I’ve been a trainer about 5 years. I absolutely love what I do. I love the challenge.”
“Virtual classroom and face-to-face are two different ways to train. Either way I think the biggest thing a trainer can do is instil faith in the students that they can actually do the work. Whether it’s estimating or applying building codes or law and safety.
“So in everything I do I try and be very inclusive and help the students to believe that they can do it.”
“My advice for students is to take it seriously. I think they need to understand that it is not all about trade skills. Being a builder is about being in business, so they need to put their business hat on.”
Legend! Thanks, Lee.
If you’re interested in enrolling with Builders Academy, find out more about our virtual classroom training options.
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