Serious Business: Looking for a Job

So it’s time to move on. Whether you’ve outgrown your role at work and there is nowhere to go or you just have itchy feet (and not the fungal kind) or it’s something else entirely, the first move you want to make is to start looking for something new. But where do you start? Well, luckily we’ve prepared this handy list for you. We’re good like that.
Get your resume looking schmick
The first thing you need to do before you even think of getting a new job is make sure your resume is in ship shape. Updating it with all the skills you’ve acquired since your last job application can be a bit annoying, but what do you think is the first thing anyone is going to ask for the minute you say you’re looking for a new job? Exactly. So get writing!
Get chatting
A large number of tradies (and people in a wide range of other industries, actually) find their jobs through existing networks. If you are looking for a new job, quietly and confidentially start talking to mates, ex-colleagues and other people in the trades to see if they know of anything going. Remember, though, that if you are not planning on resigning from your current role until you have secured a new one (which is the recommended way of doing it – the old saying ‘It’s easier to get one when you have one’ is true about jobs as well as other things), to keep this chatter to trusted people. If someone blabs to your boss, it could cause a lot of problems for you.
Get on the computer
This sounds pretty obvious and, in many ways, it is. Job websites like Seek, CareerOne and JobActive are all great because they offer options to narrow your search, like the industry you want to work in, whether you’re looking for full time or part time or how much you’re looking to earn, plus there are thousands of new jobs posted on them every day. The downside of bigger job search websites is that, a) they often don’t include a large number of construction jobs (as these are privately advertised – that’s why it’s good to use your networks as mentioned above); and b) the number of applicants can be high, making it hard to stand out. This isn’t to say you shouldn’t use them, because they are a great resource, but there are even more specialised places to look online for work in the trades, so…
Get on the computer, again
You might not think it, but LinkedIn is a great way to connect with people in all aspects of your industry. Project Managers, higher ups and other tradies all use it to keep up with what each other is working on, so it’s the perfect place to say g’day and check the status on the job market. If you want to get more trade-specific, there are jobseeking sites just for tradies, like TradiesWorks, TradiePoint and Trades Jobs, but these can present the same volume-related challenges as the generic jobseeking sites, so…
Get on the phone
Apply online if you must, but always get on the phone to follow up with your application. Even better, make a list of companies that you want to work for, and give them a call. Taking the initiative and getting in touch looks great to prospective employers and it also gives you the chance to get the word on jobs that might not be advertised. Don’t be shy – call to check on your application and, if they say they will call you back and don’t, call again. There is no harm in trying (but don’t go too over the top!).
Get a new perspective
Lastly, if you feel like you are running out of options on the standard job ladder at work, never fear! A good old-fashioned course can open up job opportunities you never knew were there. Have a look at what we’ve got on offer here, and you never know – you could find the stepping stone to your next dream job.