Diploma or Cert IV: Why Study a Cert IV with Builders Academy

Have you just started, or finished, an apprenticeship? If so, you might be looking to take the next step in your career.
This blog is part II of our Diploma or Cert IV series. While last week we explained all about the Diploma, now we’re going to talk about the CPC40120 Certificate IV in Building and Construction (Building).
We’ll also go over some of the differences between a Diploma or Cert IV, helping you to decide which one is right for you.
What is a Cert IV?
After completing a CPC30220 Certificate III in Carpentry, the Cert IV makes a lot of sense. It helps you set up a career in the booming building and construction industry.
The Certificate IV in Building and Construction teaches you how to plan, prepare and manage residential construction sites from start to finish.
The Cert IV also teaches you the skills you need to start your own business. You learn how to fulfil business contracts with clients and how to get your own workers and contractors. Nothing quite like being your own boss!
Combine this qualification with your hands-on experience and training, and you’ll be ready to become a licensed builder with the Victorian Building Authority (VBA).
The Cert IV offers many perks to help kickstart your career. You learn all the rules and regulations set out by the Australian building and construction industry, ensuring your work is legal and safe. You also get networking opportunities to help you make business connections.
Studying the Cert IV
The Certificate IV in Building and Construction is a flexible course. This means you can earn your Cert IV without putting your life on hold. The Cert IV is a part time course of study, allowing you to continue your day job or family commitments.
We also offer the Cert IV in-person or online.
If you do the in-person course, you go to class twice a week. Classes take up 7 hours per week in total. You’ll also need to set aside 8 hours for homework and assignments.
The duration of the course is 34-45 weeks. The exact duration depends on how much experience you have in the industry. For example, you might be eligible for course credits with recognition of prior learning. If you qualify, you can shorten the length of your Cert IV.
We also run two streams of the Cert IV. The first stream is for people with 3 or more years of industry experience, and is shorter in duration. The second stream is for people with less than 3 years of experience.
Studying the Cert IV online
By contrast, the online version of the Cert IV is perfect for people who live too far away from a training centre, or who can’t attend in-person classes for another reason.
When you study online, you go to a virtual classroom. This means that you watch lessons on your computer instead of going into a physical class. You also complete and submit your homework online.
Whether you do the in-person or online Cert IV, you also have the opportunity to do the mentorship program. This is where you get a mentor with industry experience to help you apply for your building licence.
Diploma or Cert IV: What’s the difference?
Once you complete your cert III and apprenticeship, you can choose to do either a Diploma or a Cert IV.
Both the Cert IV and Diploma prepare you to do supervisor and manager jobs, but they specialise in different industry sectors.
The Certificate IV in Building and Construction (Building) is for tradies who work—or want to work—with small to medium-sized low-rise building businesses. In other words, the focus is residential.
On the other hand, the CPC50220 Diploma of Building and Construction (Building) is for tradies who work—or want to work—with medium-rise building projects up to three stories. With the Diploma, you can do residential and commercial. The Diploma is also a longer and more advanced course.
Diploma or Cert IV: Which is for you?
Once you’ve finished your apprenticeship, the Cert IV can be a natural next step. It opens doors for you to do supervisor or manager jobs, or to start your own business.
The Cert IV is perfect for people who want to work in residential building and take on a higher level of responsibility. At the same time, it’s not as long or advanced as the Diploma.
Looking to take the next step in your career with a CPC40120 Certificate IV in Building and Construction (Building)? Contact our team at 1300 LEGEND (1300 534 363) or request a call back and we will get back to you with all the information you need.