How to Build a DIY Treehouse


It’s an addition to your property that every kid wants. A cubby or fort suspended among the trees that they can call their own. It’s also a great family bonding experience to build your very own treehouse together. Making the most of the teamwork will not only get the job done faster, but it will also help give everyone something to do.

If you’re struggling to get your head around the logistics of the project and are worried it will take too much time and energy, we’ve broken down the key points involved to outline what you’ll have to consider.

Choosing the right tree

Before you get too excited, you’ll first have to find the right tree for the job. If the only candidates on your property are a few deteriorating gums, or willowy samplings, then you may be out of luck. When selecting your tree of choice, you need to make sure its robust and healthy. Check for signs of parasites or disease, and make sure the roots are deep and expansive.

Need approval?

The last thing you want is to finish all your hard work on your treehouse only for a spiteful neighbour to report your new structure to the local council and cop fine. Make sure you check with your local government whether your project will be in violation of any regulations and whether you’ll need a permit or not. It’s also advisable to check with your neighbours if they’re ok with your plans, especially if it overlooks their property.

Choose your designs carefully

Building a treehouse is a similar process to how you’d build any structure, except instead of foundations, it’s secured to a sturdy platform. Even if you’re experienced with building, it’s advisable to devise a plan first. There are many available online, or you can come up with your own. Make sure you allow enough space around the tree trunk for it to grow and keep it roughly 1.5 from the ground.


Supporting your treehouse

You have three main options when it comes to support. You can either bolt the floor platform or support beams directly into the tree, use posts sunk into the ground close to the tree, or suspend the treehouse from strong branches using chains, cables or ropes.

Getting into your treehouse should be safe and easy. The best way for this is either a store bought, or handmade ladder, rope ladder hung from the treehouse platform, or a wooden staircase with handrail.

Building supplies

It’s always better to have too much instead of not enough and realise you need to do a Bunnings run. Stock up on plenty of nails, nuts and bolts and make sure your power tools are in working order.