How to Grow Your Plumbing Business

Working out what direction you want to take your business can be a tough decision. Whether you’re an apprentice thinking of taking that next step or a tradie looking to try his hand in a different field, lack of direction can be costly.
However, the employment of plumbers and pipefitters is projected to grow 12 percent from 2018 to 2023, now is a great time to get started.
Nail Down Your Niche!
The plumbing industry is a large industry with a lot of competition. This doesn’t have to be seen as a negative though!
With competition existing primarily around commonly provided services such as drain cleaning and pipe repair, there are numerous gaps in which your business can take advantage of.
Firstly, you need to understand what area of plumbing you want to focus on.
“But there are so many different areas?”
We hear you!
With working options like new houses, bathrooms, apartment buildings, hospitals, kitchens reno’s, we’re not surprised you’re a bit unsure. By the way, that’s just the surface of what’s on offer.
Through choosing your niche you will be able to exploit those gaps in the market and hone your skills ensuring that you’re on everyone’s tender list.
However, if you’re not too sure about what area you want to go in, why not do some research.
The Certificate IV in Plumbing and Services offers insights relevant to the plumbing industry in addition to specialist streams relevant to drainage, gas fitting, roof drainage, sewerage.
That way, you’ll gain further skills as a plumber and nail down what will separate you from the competition.
No Substitute for Experience
Rome wasn’t built in a day. Unfortunately, that means that your business won’t be either.
A lot of hard work, passion, and determination will need to go into your work every day. By continuing to do this you will grow a business that aligns itself with these three attributes.
This doesn’t mean you have to be the oldest guy on site to be the most experienced. There are numerous ways in which you can further your knowledge and hone your craft to gain an edge in the industry.
By undertaking an apprenticeship with a plumbing company that is tailored to your career path, you can gain priceless hands-on experience. Furthermore, learning from those who have walked the path before you may give you some key insights on what or what not to do.
The Certificate IV in Plumbing and Services offers another string to your experience bow with insights from some of Melbourne’s best plumbers on how the industry operates.
Pick Your Platforms
The times they are a changin’. Well…they have changed and it’s time that you all do too!
There’s no doubt, the work you’re doing is top notch. But it’s no good if nobody can see it.
By utilising social media you can begin to broadcast all the amazing work that you have completed. From here you will begin to build an online rapport with your customers. The best thing about it, it’s free!
Establishing a presence across Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn can lead to a breadth of potential new customers. With possibilities of customers and business sharing your work across the platforms.
Finances depending, setting up a website also allows potential customers to have a more direct access point to business. You should once again highlight your amazing work and past clients.
Stay on Top of Paperwork
As the jobs begin to flow in, so will the paperwork. It’s as important to stay on top of this as it is with the rest of your work.
For a lot of jobs, you will be required to submit documents such as proposals, plumbing forms, and safety paperwork before you even pick up a wrench.
Understandably, this type of fiddly work can seem daunting. It is, however, critical.
By undertaking a Certificate IV in Plumbing and Services you will be taught the necessary skills that will help you with dealing these forms. Furthermore, you will have access to teachers who will be able to guide you through what you should expect when applying to be a licensed plumber.
Looking to take the next step in your career in Plumbing with a Certificate IV in Plumbing and Services? Contact our team at 1300 LEGEND (1300 534 363) or request a callback and we will get back to you with all the information you need!