How to Maximise Your Career Opportunities as an Apprentice

For anyone with their sights set on a career in building and construction, an apprenticeship is your first stepping stone. But next comes the inevitable question, “How do I become an apprentice?”. And with so many budding apprentices learning the ropes every year, how do you go about standing out from the crowd? While it might seem daunting, the truth is that with the right attitude and the right training under your belt—like a Certificate III in Carpentry—standing out isn’t so hard.
Here, we’ll look at ways that you can not only land your dream carpentry apprenticeship but make the most out of the experience and lay the foundations for a successful career. Plus, by studying building and construction courses along the way, like a Certificate III in Carpentry, you’ll remain at the top of the pack.
Land the Right Apprenticeship
Step one is putting your hand up and landing your ideal apprenticeship. If you’re not sure which trade you want to pursue, or how to get an apprenticeship in Victoria, try chatting to friends and friends of friends who know someone in the industry.
They can give you the lowdown on what a day in the life is really like, what to expect from a Carpentry apprenticeship, and might even have a connection to someone who’s looking. Otherwise, connect with your local Australian Apprenticeship Support Network (AASN) to discuss potential opportunities and pathways. They can work closely with you to find an apprenticeship or traineeship that matches your skills, strengths, and career ambitions—and weed out any that might not be right for you.
Become an All-Rounder
Once you land your carpentry apprenticeship, the best way to stand out is to try and go above and beyond at every opportunity. Rather than just stick to your trade—whether that’s laying bricks or cutting wood—is there a way you can put your hand up to take on more responsibility? Everyone from your boss to the former apprentice can help you out.
Every day is a chance to gain a new skill. And if you feel like you’re not being offered a chance, then ask. Perhaps you have questions about what you could earn, how you could start your own business, or even if further building and construction courses are right for you. Your boss has been in your shoes and is hopefully willing to share some life and career experience.
Take on Further Study
Rather than just talking about how you want to learn, prove it to your mentors by using your initiative and enrolling to study. Take a look at Builders Academy Australia for real-world training and highly-regarded building and construction courses.
As you gain more on-the-job experience, you’ll meet the pre-requisites for a higher certificate, like a Certificate III in Carpentry, and then, in turn, be more qualified for higher-level roles. It’s a surefire way to progress your career further, more quickly than the traditional slow climb through job after job. Plus, studying building and construction courses is the perfect opportunity to connect with peers who will become your future coworkers.
Embrace the Challenges
When you start out as an apprentice, you’ll be expected to work long hours and hit the ground running. Sometimes you may wonder, “is a carpentry apprenticeship right for me?” Keep in mind that it’s not forever—and in fact, many people gravitate towards a career as a tradesperson because of the flexibility. So buckle up and embrace the challenges in the beginning, with the right attitude, and you’ll be rewarded long term.
Take the Cue From Coworkers
Take every opportunity for proactive learning from your boss/mentor, as well as everyone else you get to work alongside. After all, their job is to take you under their wing and teach you the tricks of the trade. It’s a two-way street. It’s also a good idea to take on board the way things are done—how do others in the business go about asking for time off, for example? Is there an open discussion about wages? Are you expected to work overtime? Take the hint from those around you before diving in with your boss.
Successful apprentices and employers alike know that building and construction courses like a Certificate III in Carpentry, are the gateway to a bright career. If you want to show that you’ve got what it takes to make a career in your chosen trade, then start by doing your research about how study can give you a competitive edge.
Looking to start a carpentry apprenticeship? Contact our team at 1300 LEGEND (1300 534 363) or request a callback and we will get back to you with all the information you need.