Meet Samantha – Diploma in Building & Construction


As a project manager at Simonds Homes, Sam wanted to progress her skills further. After doing her Cert IV at Builders Academy Australia, she decided to enrol again to take a Diploma of Building and Construction (CPC50220).

Sam’s hard work and determination made her a nominee for student of the year. According to her trainer, “she is motivated and passionate about learning more about the building and construction industry. This assists me to find what drives our students to their goals.”

My name is Sam Kelly. I am currently studying a diploma with Builders Academy in Building and Construction. I want to do the diploma because I wanted to  fit all my skill set with my current job being a project manager . And it’s been fantastic, the class has been great. It’s very convenient for me because I work full time so I can do it from home. So that’s been the biggest thing for me. It’s actually my second course. So I did the Cert IV in Building Construction with BAA as well and finished that, loved it and I wanted to go further with my skill set so decided to do another one.

Well, I chose BAA purely, to start with, because it was offered online and it just appealed to me. But then I had a few colleagues as well  that went through BAA and they recommended it. So I jumped onboard and then I also then recommended it to a couple of my colleagues after I started to do the same thing. So, there’s a couple of female colleagues that I’ve worked with that are currently studying their Cert IV and diploma as well.

My favourite thing about the course was learning the skills that I needed to and meeting new people . I would say it’s never too late to learn and if you’ve got the time after hours, definitely make the investment in yourself. 

Speak to a CWBTS course advisor to learn more about the Diploma of Building and Construction today and find out if you’re eligible for funding.Call 1300 4 CWBTS or request a call back.